Looking for fast, effective PPC marketing services? Choose ICL Solution for expert management across all platforms with no long-term contracts. Reach new customers and increase your online visibility with our affordable, flexible pricing options. Contact us today to learn more!

Our pricing packages include all the essentials to run a successful PPC campaign: keyword research, ad creation, landing page optimization, and performance tracking. We also provide regular reports and updates on your campaign’s progress so you can see your investment results.

Our flexible pricing options allow you to get the professional PPC management you need to drive results without breaking the bank. Plus, with our transparent pricing model, you’ll always know exactly where your advertising dollars are going.

Don’t let budget constraints keep you from achieving your PPC advertising goals. Contact ICL Solution today to learn more about our pricing packages and how we can help your business succeed with PPC advertising.

What’s ICL Solution’s edge on Pay-Per-Click Management Service?

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) is a necessity in the online business world, much like SEO. It’s a tool that allows you to measure your reach when visitors engage with you to get your services through ads. Simple as it may seem, PPC creation and management is tricky, especially when you’re against billions of other businesses trying to get shoppers to click.

Apart from the high cost of PPC services, most companies only cater to a few platforms, force you into inclusivity contracts, take your monthly updates for granted, and are concerned more about clicks over conversion—and that’s where your hard-earned resources go.

Years experience


Years experience
Certified experts


Certified experts
End user satisfaction


End user satisfaction
Global reach


Global reach
Service desk


Service desk

Why ICL Solution?

Across Platforms, All Online Forms Services

Our hassle-free PPC services cover all major social media platforms with PPC ads. This means that you get your brand on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn without fuss.

And since we offer highly-customizable products, you can choose which services you need. You can add specific services to your existing strategies, even with other providers if that’s what you need.

Possibilities are endless with ICL Solution.

Measurable Outcomes from ICL Solution

PPC campaigns are powerful but taxing, and will require a lot of effort if you don’t know the ins and outs of the trade.

With our services at ICL Solution, we make sure that you are able to break ROI, hassle-free because our studies for your business are unique and personal. This means that our PPC campaigns are directed for specific growth targets that will translate to solid gains for you, much like the experiences of our clients worldwide.

Re-everything with ICL Solution

PPC marketing includes remarketing or retargeting that means trying to bring back the visitors of your site, and making them engage with you. These efforts translate to actual business connection with clients who previously simply visited your website.

Remarketing or retargeting on Google and Facebook are both an effective and efficient way to ensure that your business grows, as well as increasing recall for your brand.

ICL Solution brings you these services at a competitive price, together with digital marketing strategies to ensure that you are reaching far beyond your goals, and are able to spread the word online about who you are and what your company is all about.